“This is no light program. First come the technical skills: imitating, repeating, and learning control of the instrument, like the sarod. Much later the understanding of the mood and content of classical music will follow. […] A student works by example and repetition. As control of the instrument increases, the student begins to discover the many riches and possibilities within the classical raga form. He masters new refinements and elaborations one by one. Each new performance brings him closer to a mental and spiritual grasp of the music. In time technique becomes assured and he begins an unending exploration into the core of meaning and emotion locked within each raga form.” — James Beveridge in Amjad Ali Khan (1971)
This is another gem in my riches whose lesson I try to keep in my awareness, which when I forget, I remind myself of by reverentially bringing this gem out of my treasure chest and listening to its message. With due reverence, I then return it to my treasure chest.
Of the many paths to wisdom, a particular one that begins with a steadfastness to mastering a technique, and waiting patiently for its related wisdom to unfold has been deeply resonant with me. It helped me as a student of physics and now as a new student of Vipassana, where all I am able to focus is on showing up and remain seated for an hour to practice its technique. I remain seated, working hard to learn its technique and learning to wait for its wisdom to unfold. I work hard to develop the discipline to practice its technique patiently, persistently, continuously, and ardently.