Travels with Flat Stanley (Published on Feb 26, 2009 in YouTube) is a film made by my friend Jason. Just like A Listening Prayer for the Traveler, I turn to it often for a powerfully restorative effect on my being. In Jason’s own words, “[…] I think this will possibly be the most honest, most enjoyable film I will potentially ever make.” Amen.
Dear Marybeth,
Your melodious voice so charmingly compliments your beautiful self….it was such a pleasure listening to this recording, and so much more moving to realize that it was done for Jason’s little nephew (who must now be a big boy!).
Initially, I thought Flat Stanley is Jason’s friend in whose fond remembrance he made this recording, but Jason’s playful pretence of suspicion in Stanley’s arrival, lead me to realize the fictionality of his existence…..It is so cute to see how Stanley becomes a companion on your travels and an imprint on my mind of an important message in your recording “Keep on the sunny side” :).
Thanks to Arjun for sharing it with me! I am only beginning to understand Arjun considering you all a blessing (family).
Masum, thank you for this! I feel very touched. I love your journey of discovering the nature of Flat Stanley’s existence. Above all, you have given me an embrace that warms to my core by understanding what Jason and Marybeth mean to me. Thank you Masum.